
39.9363888888899.7066666666667Koordinaten: 39 ° 56 'N, 9 ° 42 ' E

Arbatax is a town with about 5,000 inhabitants on the Italian Mediterranean island of Sardinia. The place is located in the province of Ogliastra and is a district of Tortoli.


It lies on a peninsula on the east coast about midway between Olbia and the island's capital, Cagliari. It is one of the ferry ports, through which you can reach the island from the mainland. Most of the porphyry dome on the peninsula is inaccessible due to several large holiday villages and because of military restricted areas for tourists.

About 5 km inland, Tortoli, the capital of the province of Ogliastra.


The rising from the sea, blood-red porphyry peaks, the so-called red rocks of Arbatax, were compared with the spiers of a cathedral. The red rocks of Arbatax is one of the great attractions of nature in Sardinia. It consists of porphyry and is somewhat hard, right in front of the entrance to the harbor area on the right side.


The village has an airport. Arbatax has a station on the narrow gauge railway line Manda -Arbatax, which is served in the summer months from Trenino Verde.

Photo Gallery

Arbatax, Spanish Tower
