Arboretum Freiburg-Günterstal

47.9728017.842693Koordinaten: 47 ° 58 ' 22 " N, 7 ° 50' 34" E

The Arboretum Freiburg- Günterstal is located in Freiburg's southernmost district Günterstal is with an area of ​​100 hectares at an altitude 290-430 m above sea level. NN, it is an integral part of the forest and heard there to the area of the mountain forest. In the area is also located the Waldhaus Freiburg, an environmental education center and the starting there in the sculpture trail Won Wonnhalde is also space for art. For this there is the Arboretum Friends of Friends of the urban forest Arboretum Günterstal eV, which in 2009 won the Environmental Award of the city of Freiburg. The Arboretum is part of the Protected Landscape Area Brombergkopf, Lorettoberg, Schlierberg and has been operational since April 24, 2006 at the Freiburg Regional Council under the reserve number 3.11.009.

Existence and purpose

The Arboretum serves the forestry education, the expansion of biological knowledge of the general public and the rest. In addition the search for tree and shrub species that are suitable for forestry and for further use, eg in medicine and the general conservation and the preservation of rare native species. Built and maintained, the arboretum at the urban forestry department Freiburg in cooperation with the Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences of the University of Freiburg. So it is with 392 conifer species one of the most comprehensive Gymnospermensammlungen Germany. This includes the tallest tree in Germany, perhaps even the continent, the Douglas " Waldtraut from Muehlwald ". It was set in 1913 as a 3 year old plant to its current location, and thus has an age of over 100 years. Your height in 2008 was 63.33 m and the trunk circumference at the base 300 cm ( measured in 2008 ). So you drew a Douglas fir from Eberbach in Odenwald with 61.60 m at No. 2 The heights were determined from a measurement team of the geodetic institute at the University of Karlsruhe on 18 August 2008. The tree grows an average of 30 cm per year. In August 2013, the current level was determined with 65.614 m from the Survey Office.

At present, the Arboretum a stock of over 1300 different domestic and foreign tree and shrub species from 5 continents. Developed at the Freiburg citizens and tourists, it is by two hiking trails and the Path of Peace, where you can also find some features such as the redwood, the schuppenrindige fir, ginkgo and the Bristlecone Pine. Addition, there are another five topics paths are signposted and provided with information boards. These are local tree species in Won Hölderle, tree species from all over the world Won Wonnhalde, North American tree species in the star forest, which is also suitable for wheelchair users, healing effects of tree species on St. Leoba way and the abietum, the largest living collection of pine species including many endangered species, on the way to St. Valentine.


End of the 19th century in the course different, mostly originating from America and Japan types of trees to plant in that time there existing urban forest. The first of the standing there today Douglas, for which the area is known today were planted in 1896 on Illenberg on snow fracture surfaces. Between 1901 and 1911 several hundred thousand different Foreign trees were planted to test their suitability for the use in this vegetation zone in the city forest. For the current configuration as one of the most valuable collections of 200 German arboreta the former district forester in Günterstal Hubertus Nimsch is responsible, critically contribute even after his retirement to do so.

The tallest tree in Germany, with sun

The forest house front view

The back of the house of the forest with a connection to the sculpture trail

The root head Woodmen of Thomas Rees, a permanent exhibition on the sculpture trail in the Arboretum
