Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel

The Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel is a triumphal arch in Paris, between the Louvre and Tuileries. He is not to be confused with the better known and twice as large Arc de Triomphe, the Champs -Élysées standing stamped on the Place Charles de Gaulle.


The Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel is situated between the Tuileries and the Place du Carrousel to the so-called Axe historique, the straight west-north- west stretches from the Louvre by Paris and two neighboring cities, in the capital on the Avenue des Champs- Élysées and the Avenue de la Grande Armée, then beyond the city limits in Neuilly -sur -Seine as Avenue Charles de Gaulle and the other side of the Seine in the urban overarching business district La Défense up by the Grande Arche, the François Mitterrand had built.


Napoleon I had him from 1807 to 1809 build in memory of his Grande Armée, following the example of Septimius Severus arch in Rome, between the Louvre and the then free-standing Palais des Tuileries. So there was no line of sight to the Tuileries and the Champs -Élysées. By 1806 under Napoleon I and continued under Napoleon III. completed connecting structures between the Louvre and Tuileries Palace finally stood the triumphal arch in a western, the second courtyard of the Louvre. During the uprising of the Paris Commune in 1871, the Tuileries Palace was burned down and was not restored. Only since is the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel in a space formed from the Louvre and the adjoining gallery buildings open courtyard with line of sight to large triumphal arch and on.


On February 27, 1806 Napoleon I commissioned by decree the architect Charles Percier and Pierre -François- Léonard Fontaine with the realization and the Director General of Museums, Vivant Denon, with the planning of the sculpture decor. The building was so rapid that the imperial army when they returned from their campaign in Prussia in 1807, was able to move triumphantly through the arch. Only the decor was not yet appropriate.

For the designs of the reliefs and statues chose Denon Charles Meynier. We executed the reliefs and statues of various sculptors, including Clodion. The scenes relate to the victorious campaign of the French army from 1805 ( Battle of Austerlitz ) and the capitulation of Ulm in 1807. The war, however, are only shown on the edge, the focus is more on the rest of the peace negotiations. They correspond to the image propagated by Napoleon himself, but at the same time praising the military by the uniforms are shown antikisierend excessive.

The approximately 19 m high, 23 m wide and 7.3 m deep Monument consists of three arches: a large (over 6 m high) and two small ( just over 4 m high) at its sides. The triumphal arch is lined with pink marble on the columns and the frontispiece. On the frontispiece is engraved with the following text:

The Quadriga on the arc comes from St. Mark's Basilica in Venice and was taken in 1798 after the victorious campaign of Italy of the French army to Paris. 1808 you were asked to page two goddesses of victory. While the political restoration in France, the Quadriga was replaced by a copy of François Joseph Bosio and returned to Venice.
