Archibald Menzies

Archibald Menzies ( born March 15, 1754 Styx, Scotland, † February 15, 1842 in Kensington ) was a British physician and Biologe.Sein official botanical author abbreviation is " Menzies ".

Life and work

As a surgeon in the Royal Navy employed, and later as a biologist, he undertook several expeditions. He participated for example in George Vancouver's voyage around the world aboard the HMS Discovery. He discovered many in Europe still unknown plants, including the Chilean Araucaria and the Western Australian Pitcher Plant (better known as dwarf pitcher). But his skills as a doctor in fame bestowed as made ​​out to be that none of the members of the expedition had died of an illness.

Most of his Navy service, he graduated in the West Indies. After his military career, he opened a medical practice in London's Notting Hill.

Menzies was a gardener at the Botanical Garden of Edinburgh.


  • Hawaii Nei 128 years ago. 1920 ( posthumously ).


  • Robert Zander, Fritz Encke, Günther Buchheim, Siegmund Seybold (eds.): Handbook of Plant Names. 13th edition. Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart 1984, ISBN 3-8001-5042-5.