
The plummet is a historical predecessor of the water balance and typically consists of an isosceles triangle strips at the tip of a solder is suspended.

Application, and historical use

A tested with the plumb level is level when the soldering tip einspielt a centrally mounted on the base of the inguinal triangle mark.

The plummet is like a spirit level and plumb a " self-leveling forming " position measuring device, ie the displaying part will automatically and without further action and without any other auxiliary equipment in a specific location a.

The setting scale can be used in this form only for measurements of horizontal.

According to research, the plummet to have been the builders of the pyramids in Egypt already known. To determine a horizontal line at the Roman builders plumb level was next to the chorobates also a forerunner of the water balance in use. In stores plumb levels were offered for purchase or beginning of the 20th century, in general, they were made by the construction workers themselves.

Special shapes

Instead of an equilateral triangle of wooden slats and a isosceles triangular board was used. Also plumb levels of trim in the shape of the letter "A" were used, indicating the part was the plumb line, which grossed on the cross of the A character on a brand. A further variant is an edge structure in the form of an inverted "T". The display principle, in all these forms of the same.

  • Hand tools
  • Dimensional gauge