Archips oporana

Archips oporana

Archips oporana, also called Kiefernnadelwickler, is a butterfly belonging to the family of the winder ( Tortricidae ).

  • 6.1 Notes and references


The male moths reach a wingspan of 19-21 mm, females 22-28 mm. The front wings are colored purple ocher and wearing a maroon drawing. The wing tip (apex) jumps slightly ahead.

Similar Species


  • Archips pyrastrana ( Hübner, 1822)
  • Archips picaena Linnaeus, 1758


The butterflies are widely used in Europe and inhabit mixed and coniferous forests.

Way of life

The oligophagen caterpillars feed on the needles and shoots of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), silver fir (Abies alba ) on Norway spruce ( Picea ), larch ( Larix), juniper (Juniperus ) and other coniferous plants. The larvae pupate on Fraßort.

Flight times and caterpillars

Archips oporana forms one generation per year, which flies from June to July. The activity period of the moths begin in the afternoon and goes until early evening. The caterpillars can be found from September to early June.

