Architectural rendering

The architectural rendering or architectural illustration can not be ignored in today's planning and marketing process of architecture, sites and real estate marketing and involves the detailed 3D visualization via a software-based photo-realistic simulation of geometry, material properties and exposure within a scene. In practice, with the architectural rendering interior, exterior views of buildings, Bird perspectives on objects, animations and apply a 360 ° panoramic views are generated, the reality faithful to a project illustrate where floor plans and elevations seem too abstract and incomprehensible.

Forms of representation

Like the professional architectural photography captures the photorealistic visualization by the interplay of light and shadow, the atmosphere of the building and is based on physically accurate parameters, scale models and detailed accurate acquisition of plan data. The architectural rendering today offers in addition to the detailed mapping of buildings, the technical basis animation and 360 ° panoramas. The presentation can range from abstract, stylized to photo- realistic range.


Complex infrastructure projects or difficult to communicate traffic or project processes can discuss targeted and easy to understand with the help of architectural animation. The cinematic presentation as an architectural animation also plays a significant role in the exclusive presentation of architectural projects. Here the short films find wide use that convey the benefits of a project targeted - emotions, sense of space and light are brought to life.

Virtual Tours

Realistic 360 ° panoramas are mainly used for online marketing and multimedia exposés, as they enable interactive inspection before completion. The virtual model home offers an Internet -based 360 ° VR tour of the apartment to. About hotspots linked to emerge from the panoramic views an online virtual inspection. To create a panoramic picture, different perspectives or views of an area in high resolution are rendered, which are then 3D graphics software linked. Although there are also a number of online applications, but a handling a professional rendering program quality can not match.


Starting point for to-scale visualizations are CAD data, floor plans and / or sections of facades, which are processed in special 3D graphics software by architecture illustrator. On the basis of sketches, plans or already existing 3D models high quality 3D visualizations arise. These may be internal or external perspectives, photomontages and animations, day or night perspectives. The calculation of the light and the light sources and material properties that directly affect objects and their material properties, and the calculation of the distribution of light within a scene, which is expressed by the indirect lighting between bodies falls to a special place. Software products from the industry leader Autodesk, among other things, built- in material and object databases and continuous exposure methods, such as ray tracing and radiosity have time, enable detailed and realistic integration of existing material studies, photos, or even light and sun.

Areas of application

Where floor plans and elevations seem too abstract and incomprehensible to create 3D visualizations a realistic image. The areas of application of the renderings in the architectural visualization extend to different types of projects and applications. The use of visualizations is, among other things as simulation tool of planned building and construction, and provides quality assurance low-complexity methods to detect problems early and to capture standards and effects of a proposed project. It does not last involved planners, agencies and authorities for communication and control. In addition, the visualizations allow the orientation of the public on public works projects. In the sale or rental, or redevelopment or change of use of a property or for architectural competitions are relying on these forms of representation. The areas of architectural renderings are in the following areas:

  • Housing
  • Büro-/Gewerbebau
  • Public building
  • Competitions
  • Road construction
  • Railway construction
  • Hydraulic
  • Structures / Bridges

The reaction in the rendering is now focused on the 3D visualization, which in all communication channels - in the exposé in the Internet presence, in press releases, in outdoor advertising finds its use such as on the construction sign using. Also for building applications or in dialogue with local building codes have architectural visualizations through the detailed, to-scale conversion to 3D a high value.


Since every project is unique in terms of scale, number and kind of want to create 3D visualizations, architectural complexity and quality of the material provided enough of the time just a few days to several weeks. In medium-sized construction projects that require modeling experience, up to 3 days, while the actual rendering, including rendering time, to convert the material data in high resolution, depending on the size of an image up to three days. In the field of interior visualizations that times are often much lower, and one can assume an average of 3 days.
