Arctia flavia

Yellow Bear ( Arctia flavia )

The Yellow Bear or Bear Engadine ( Arctia flavia ) is a butterfly (moth ) from the subfamily of the tiger moths ( Arctiinae ).


The moths reach a wingspan of 50 to 70 millimeters. On their front wings very large black spots are visible, which are outlined in white. Their hind wings are ocher- yellow or light orange. Also on them are black spots. You have to head a black fur. Your abdomen, which on top has a ridge of black dots is red, only the rearmost tip is black.

The caterpillars are black and have a silver-gray hair that is slightly brownish later.


They come in the Alps above the tree line in front of alpine meadows and close to waters and keep preferably below glaciated zones. They fly from late July to late August.

Way of life

Both the moths and the caterpillars are nocturnal. The caterpillars spend the day under stones and feeding at night polyphagous various kinds of herbs, especially Zwergmispeln ( Cotoneaster ).

Course of development

The eggs are relatively large and are placed next to the abandoned dolls cocoons of the females. The resulting hatching caterpillars overwinter twice before they pupate. After the second winter the caterpillars feed for about three to four weeks before they pupate. They do this below sunlit flagstones to use the stored heat.

