
The Arenberg Nordkirchener Pony was a pony breed from the Munsterland.


1903 sold Countess Paula von Esterhazy the Nordkirchener goods at Duke Engelbert of Arenberg, in the Nordkirchener wild began a semi-wild breed in 1923, similar to that in Dülmen ( Merfelder break, home of Dülmener wild horse ). He began breeding with Panie mares ( the Konik similar) from Eastern Europe and Dülmener stallions. The total portfolio was comprised of about 80 animals. In 1968, the herd was sold to Mr. Orthmann, the further operative breeding, and now also Welsh Pony Stallions Section B einkreuzte. 1984, the stock was dissolved and sold the animals to new owners, primarily in North Rhine -Westphalia and Schleswig -Holstein. The breeding race as such thus came to an end, and went on in different pony breeds. The race is threatened with few remaining copies with extinction.
