Areolar glands

As Glandulae areolares, Montgomery glands or tubercles Montgomery tubercles 10-15 areolae usually circle around the nipple arranged surveys of the areola are called, which are particularly visible during an erection of the nipple usually.

They are also known as "particularly sophisticated scent glands " of the skin. It is bigger sebaceous glands in the area of the areola, have their tails after childbirth a apocrine secretion. They are sometimes accompanied by Milchdrüsenläppchen. In the surrounding connective tissue smooth muscle fibers are present.

Their function is to protect the skin of the breast-feeding woman and to bring about a certain air between the mouth of the infant and the nipple. Thus, they favor a sufficient Breast feeding of the infant. In addition, recent research suggests that they produce a kind of fragrance ( pheromone ), pointing the way to the food to the infant.

Inflammation of the Montgomery glands represent a possible, albeit more dar. rare medical problem

The name is derived from the tuberculum ( nodules, hillocks ) and areola ( small yard ) or from describer, William Fetherstone Montgomery ( 1797-1859 ), an Irish obstetrician.
