Argo Navis

The constellation ship Argo, Argo Navis Latin, is now no longer in use. It consisted of the modern constellations aft deck of the ship, keel of the ship and sail the ship together. The ship Argo was introduced by Ptolemy, but later divided by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in the top three.

If this constellation is recognized, it would be larger than Hydra.

The ship's compass ( Pyxis ), is located in an area that was once considered the mast of the ship ( Malus ). Usually you count this constellation Argo Navis not. Although Bayer designations of Pyxis point out. For the stars of Argo Navis were divided in turn. Carina received, for example, α, β and ε, γ and δ Vela, Puppis ζ, and so on, the stars Pyxis ' do not fit in this order.

  • Mythological References: The Argo was the ship of Jason, who should obtain the Golden Fleece. The constellation is not visible in Greece itself as a total picture or could even in ancient times there not be observed. The star Canopus Miaplacidus and form the ship's bottom. In ancient times the constellation was just south of the 32nd degree of north latitude to observe in its entire size. In the next neighborhood they were: African Mediterranean coast, ancient Palestine, Iraq ( ancient Mesopotamia ), Iran ( ancient Persia, above the Persian Gulf up to 200 km).