Argonne National Laboratory

The Argonne National Laboratory ( ANL) is one of the oldest and largest research institutes of the Ministry of Energy of the United States.

Since the establishment of the Institute in 1946, the University of Chicago has exercised its control for the Department of Energy. The Argonne National Laboratories are located 40 km southwest of Chicago. The field office Argonne National Laboratory (West ) is located on the grounds of the Idaho National Laboratory in Idaho Falls. Prior to founding the metallurgical laboratory was (Met Lab ) of the University of Chicago participated in the Manhattan Project, which built the first atomic bomb. After the war was the development of nuclear reactors for energy supply in the foreground.

The Argonne National Laboratory is divided into five main areas, which perceives every major responsibilities for the Department of Energy.

  • Basic Research: Argonne provides experimental and theoretical research in physics, chemistry, biology and environmental science.
  • Operation of national research institutions: Argonne conducts research facilities such as the Advanced Photon Source (APS), the Intense Pulsed Neutron Source ( IPNS ) and the Argonne Tandem Linear Accelerator System (ATLAS).
  • Promotion of the National Energy Resources: Argonne develops advanced technologies of the future ( batteries, fuel cells, superconductivity, Nuclear Safety).
  • Development in the field of environment: Argonne is a leader in developing solutions to environmental problems and climate change.
  • National security: the importance has grown in recent years to ward off dangers of terrorism.

The Argonne National Laboratory employs 4000 employees, of which 1200 scientists and engineers. The annual budget is approximately 480 million U.S. $. Argonne scientists and engineers make annually from about 1,000 students and postdoctoral scientists.
