Arkham House

Arkham House is an American publishing company that specializes in the publication of fantastic literature.


The publishing house was founded in 1939 by August Derleth and Donald Wandrei to primarily publish the works of HP Lovecraft. This was first published in hardback with Lovecraft's collected works. The name of the publisher is derived from the fictional town of Arkham, which is the scene of several stories by Lovecraft.


The expenses of publishing are still often highly paid rarities such as the 1939 in 1,268 copies published The Outsider and Others. Although the book initially sold sluggishly, had Wandrei, Derleth and her publisher a significant share in the future success of Lovecraft. After the first volume published stories by Derleth, Clark Ashton Smith then was added. In beautifully produced and manufactured in small quantities and expenditures such as the works of Robert Bloch, Fritz Leiber, Ray Bradbury, Ramsey Campbell, Basil Copper, Frank Belknap Long, Henry S. Whitehead, and Robert E. Howard, as well as classics such as Sheridan le Fanu were published.
