Arnaud Jacomet

Arnaud Marie Pierre Andre Jacomet ( born October 20, 1946 in Paris, † 14 October, 2011 Brussels, Belgium) was a French diplomat and historian.

Jacomet began his career at NATO where he in 2001, the Western European Union (WEU ) moved, where he was head of the General Secretariat. The term of his contract was five years. Jacomet was from November 25, 2009 as Managing Director of the Secretariat General of the WEU as its predecessor Javier Solana retired and his successor, Catherine Ashton, on the basis of the Treaty of Lisbon did not take over this office. He was the last holder of these offices since 2010 announced the dissolution of the organization until 2011 and was completed in late June 2011. Thus, its main task was the management of the organization, and creating a social plan for employees.


  • Regional and state security challenges in the Mediterranean. The WEU 's response, Reading: University of Reading, Graduate School of European and International Studies, 1995.