Arnaud Montebourg

Arnaud Montebourg ( born October 30, 1962 in Clamecy, France ) is a French politician, former deputy of the National Assembly for the Socialist Party (PS) and since the change of government from April 2, 2014 Minister of Economy, economic reconstruction and information technology in government Manuel Valls. Already on 16 May 2012, he was up to April 1, 2014 the French Minister for " economic reconstruction " ( Ministre du Redressement productif, roughly equivalent to the Minister of Industry ) under Prime Minister Jean -Marc Ayrault. Monte Bourg is a trained lawyer.

Political positions

From June 1997 until the acquisition of its Office Minister May 16, 2012 Arnaud Montebourg was a member of the department of Saône -et -Loire. In Parliament he is a member of the Judiciary Committee. On August 30, 2006, he was also appointed as the spokesman for the French presidential candidate Ségolène Royal. In the context of the presidential campaign in 2007, he criticized in an article published in the left-liberal French daily Libération on 2 January 2007 article, the fiscal policy of Luxembourg, and Switzerland.

One of the central themes of Monte Bourg's political work is the critique of the system of the Fifth Republic. Therefore He was one of the founders of the Convention pour la République sixième, which favors a less prominent position of president, a corresponding strengthening of Parliament as well as a progressive decentralization. During the primaries in the socialist party for the 2012 presidential elections campaigned Monte Bourg for his concept of a " de-globalization " ( demondialisation ), in the center should be in the control of financial and product markets and the creation of a "strong Europe".

On 16 May 2012, he was appointed Minister of Industry of the new government under Jean -Marc Ayrault, and stands for an interventionist approach. Montebourg attacked in several cases of industrial plant closures or bankruptcies publicly in a process in order to save jobs. Early 2013, announced President François Hollande among other things designed by Monte Bourg law that profitable companies will complicate the closure of plants and layoffs. Monte Bourg wrote in February 2013 an open letter to the CEO of a U.S. tire manufacturer, who had publicly denounced the industrial policy of the French government and the morale of French workers.

Prime Minister Valls applies in the spectrum of PS as a Social Democrat ( ie, as "right"); Arnaud Montebourg and Benôit Hamon are prominent "left arm " of the PS. Valls has the portfolios of the two upgraded during its forming a government in April 2014; he is faced with the need to stabilize its majority in the National Assembly.

2012 presidential election

Monte Bourg was a candidate in the primaries open the Parti Socialiste for the 2012 presidential election. He reached on the first ballot 17 percent of the vote, which he missed the runoff. His result was generally regarded as a surprise, and Monte Bourg was considered a " king-maker " for the second ballot. He explained that initially it would not dial a recommendation, but first want to ask publicly the two remaining candidates Martine Aubry and François Hollande. On the Friday before the runoff explained Montebourg, he personally would vote for Hollande, but each of his followers should decide freely.
