Aroma Province

- 17.333333333333 - 67.833333333333Koordinaten: 17 ° 20 ' S, 67 ° 50 ' W

Aroma is one of twenty provinces in the southern part of the department of La Paz in the highlands of South American Andes State of Bolivia.

Location in near space

The province is located on the Bolivian Altiplano southeast of Lake Titicaca and is bordered to the northwest by the province Ingavi, on the west by the province Pacajes, to the south by the province of Gualberto Villarroel, on the southeast by the Departamento Oruro, on the east by the province Loayza, and on the north by the province of Murillo.

The province extends from about 16 ° 43 'and 17 ° 35' south latitude and 67 ° 22 ' and 68 ° 23 ' west longitude, its length from north-west to south-east is 120 km, its width from the northeast to the southwest up to 55 km.


The population of the province aroma is still risen significantly in the last decade before the turn of the millennium, has stagnated since then, but rather:

45.1 % of the population are younger than 15 years. (1992)

The literacy rate in the province is 78.4 %. (1992)

79.9 % of the population speak Spanish, 93.9 % speak Aymara, Quechua and 3.1%. (1992)

82.1 % of the population have no access to electricity, 88.0 % have no sanitary facilities (1992).

69.2 % of the population are Catholics, 25.5% are Protestants (1992).


The province aroma is divided into seven municipios:

  • Ayo Ayo Municipio - 7,406 inhabitants (Update 2010)
  • Municipio Calamarca - 14,605 ​​inhabitants
  • Municipio collana - 4,061 inhabitants
  • Municipio Colquencha - 10,586 inhabitants
  • Municipio Patacamaya - 24.922 inhabitants
  • Municipio Sica Sica - 35 407 inhabitants
  • Municipio Umala - 13,430 inhabitants