Arrondissement of Antony

The Arrondissement Antony is an administrative unit of the French département of Hauts- de -Seine in the Ile- de -France region. Headquarters ( sub-prefecture ) is Antony.

It consists of twelve cantons and twelve municipalities.


  • Antony
  • Bagneux
  • Bourg- la -Reine
  • Chatenay -Malabry
  • Châtillon
  • Clamart
  • Fontenay -aux -Roses
  • Malakoff
  • Montrouge
  • Le Plessis -Robinson
  • Sceaux
  • Vanves

Antony | Argenteuil | Bobigny | Boulogne- Billancourt | Créteil | Etampes | Evry | Fontainebleau | L' Haÿ -les -Roses | Mantes- la -Jolie | Meaux | Melun | Nanterre | Nogent -sur -Marne | Palaiseau | Pontoise | Provins | Le Raincy | Rambouillet | Saint- Denis | Saint- Germain -en- Laye | Sarcelles | Torcy | Versailles

  • Arrondissement in the Île- de -France
  • Département Hauts -de -Seine

Pictures of Arrondissement of Antony
