Arthur Batut

Arthur Batut ( born February 9, 1846 in Castres, † January 19, 1918 in Labruguière ) was a French photographer and pioneer of aerial photography.


Batut interested in history, archeology and photography. His 1890 book published about Kite Aerial Photography contained his 1889 made ​​with the help of a dragon Aerial view of Labruguière, the place where he spent most of his life. He was probably in 1887 or 1888, the first aerial photos could be produced with this method.

At the time had aerial photography with dragons potential in aerial reconnaissance, but also for agriculture and archeology. The first aerial photographs were 1858 Nadar succeeded from the balloon. The use of unmanned kite promised benefits, especially for the military application.

Inspired by Francis Galton, presented Batut by multiple exposure of individual portrait shots composite type portraits forth.


  • Batut, style hat (1887 ), La photographie appliquée à la production du type d'une famille d'une tribu ou d'une race, Paris.
  • Batut, style hat (1890 ), La photographie par cerf - volant aérienne (PDF, 1.8 MB ), Paris.