Artists and Orphans: A True Drama

  • Rosie O'Donnell: narrator
  • Sharon Gans

Artists and Orphans: A True Drama is an American documentary short film from 2001, The Oscars 2002, the film was nominated for "Best Short Documentary ". .


A group of 40 U.S. actors goes to a theater festival in Georgia. There, they notice the abject poverty in which families live and learn that many families one or more children leave in orphanages because they have no money to feed the children. The actor group visited then a state orphanage and concludes that the Georgian government big culprit behind the social ills: Adoption willing foreigners get in Georgia no children taught. Thus, the government takes a lot of children by law the chance of a safe and richer life. The following is an interview with the then President of Georgia, Eduard Shevardnadze and his wife Nanuli Zagareischwili - Shevardnadze. Shevardnadze denied in the interview that it even exists orphans in Georgia.

The actors visit a teacher and a nun who accommodate 116 orphans in an old, dilapidated hospital. The building has neither electricity nor heating or running water. As the winter is imminent, in which the children are threatening to freeze to death without heating, the actors travel as quickly as possible back to the U.S. and organize a fundraiser. Within a few days comes together enough money and clothing to bring the 116 children safe through the winter.
