Arvo Ylppö

Arvo Henrik Ylppö ( born October 27, 1887 in Akaa; † January 28, 1992 in Helsinki) was a Finnish pediatrician and professor of pediatrics. His international reputation owed ​​Ylppö his research on the neonatology. In Finland, he is best known as the creator of the Neuvola Advisory System for mother and child, which led to a significant decline in infant mortality in Finland.

Ylppö was born into a peasant family in 1887 in Akaa and came himself as born prematurely. During his 1906 started medical studies at the University of Helsinki he opted for a specialization in Pediatrics. In 1912 he went to Berlin, where he worked at Children's Hospital Kaiserin- Auguste -Viktoria - house as a junior doctor. There he wrote his 1913 dissertation on bilirubin metabolism in children. In March 1914 he received his doctorate in Helsinki as a doctor of medicine.

Back in Germany Ylppö concentrated his research on the pathological anatomy of children and received international recognition. In Finland, he became a lecturer in 1920 at the Helsinki University Hospital and five years later professor of pediatrics. He continued his research, wrote for medical journals and childcare. He also supported all efforts to the training of nurses to expand the pharmaceutical industry and public awareness of medical affairs in his home country. From 1920 to 1963 he was chief physician of the Hospital for Sick Children loads linna (child lock) and also led a private practice.

1952 Ylppö was appointed by the President of the Republic of Finland to archiater ( arkkiatri ). This is the highest medical honorary title of Finland, the always carries only a single doctor. Ylppö went into retirement in 1957, but continued to promote many child health initiatives. He died in 1992 at the age of 104 years.

In the television vote Suuret Suomalaiset in 2004, comparable to the German Our best, he was elected the sixth largest Finns of all time. At the Helsinki University imparting today every year as part of a major ceremony the ARVO Ylppö Medal for pediatric research.


  • My life among children and adults. Hansi cal Verlagskontor Heinz Scheffler, Lübeck, 1987, ISBN 3-87302-042-4
  • Finn
  • Pediatrician
  • Physician ( 20th century )
  • Born in 1887
  • Died in 1992
  • Man