As-Salih Ismail al-Malik

Al -Malik as- Salih Ismail (Arabic: الملك الصالح إسماعيل, DMG al -Malik aṣ - Salih Ismā ʿ īl; * 1163, † December 4, 1181 in Aleppo ) of the dynasty of Zengids was the son of Nur ad -Din and only 11 years old when his father died in 1174. As- Salih was placed under the protection of the eunuch Gümüschtegin to Aleppo, while Nur ad - Din's military leaders fought for control.

In Egypt, Saladin as- Salih acknowledged as Lord, although he wanted to bring under his own rule Egypt and Syria. Even in 1174, Saladin came to Damascus and declared himself regent for as- Salih and beat the 1176 Zengids outside the city. He married Nur ad - Din's widow and eventually prevailed as the ruler of Syria.
