Ásgrímur Jónsson

Asgrimur Jónsson ( born March 4, 1876 in Galtafell, Iceland, † April 5, 1958 in Reykjavík, Iceland ) was an Icelandic painter.


Asgrimur was the son of a farmer and the brother of the sculptor Einar Jónsson. He was born on a farm in southern Iceland and grew up in the shadow of the volcano Hekla. In 1897 he went to Copenhagen at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts to study painting.

Asgrimur has greatly influenced the art of his country, and was one of the first Icelandic artist who earned himself abroad reputation.

Motivlich he focused on the landscapes of his home, where he had the French Impressionist as role models in mind. Some of his images also illustrate Icelandic sagas and folk tales.
