Ashikaga Yoshitane

Ashikaga Yoshitane (Japanese足 利 义 稙, * September 9, 1465; . † May 23, 1522 ) was the tenth shogun of the Ashikaga shogunate and ruled from 1490 to 1493 and then again from 1508 to 1521 during the Sengoku period of Japan. Yoshitane was the son of Ashikaga Yoshimi and grandson of the sixth shogun Ashikaga Yoshinori.

As the ninth shogun, Ashikaga Yoshihisa 1489 without heritage of disease died while he was on a campaign against Rokkaku Takayori ( Rokkaku Tobatsu ), the daimyo of the southern province Ōmi, Yoshitane was in it for Seii Taishogun. 1493 to Yoshitane rose up against the influential Hosokawa Masamoto and was therefore replaced by the 11th shogun, Ashikaga Yoshizumi.

In 1508, after the Battle of Funaokayama and with the support of Ouchi Yoshioki, Yoshitane regained the position of the Seii Taishogun Yoshizumi. After a power struggle with Hosokawa Takakuni Yoshitane fled to the island of Awaji and died in Awa Province on the island of Shikoku. Hosokawa Masamoto then sat the 12th shogun, Ashikaga Yoshiharu, a.
