Asil (chicken)

Hen 1.5 to 2.0 kg

Asil, Aseel also Azeel or written, is a native of India, domestic chicken breed. In India, all gamefowl breeds Asil be called. In the German standard two Asil types have been recognized: the Rajah - Asil, which is commonly known as Asil and the larger and heavier Madras Asil. The Asil is one of the oldest domestic chicken breeds at all and was bred for cock fighting and because of the ornamental. This breed has a worldwide distribution and a bad Leger. Young animals, however, provide an excellent carcass. The animals are kept as ornamental poultry mainly because of its impressive exterior.

This medium sized breed has the ideal Gamefowl form. The animals are tightly muscled, have a sloping shape and an upright posture. In addition, a striking keying. The plumage is hard. The head is crowned with a pea comb and the bright eyes are pronounced ridges. Wattles are not available. For an almost featherless, not too developed dewlap.

Asil should be kept because of their aggressive behavior as a pair (1.1) or in a small group of a cock with two hens (1.2), since it may lead to quarrels also among the hens.


The dwarf - Asil exists in the coat colors Red Holstein, colorful yellow and white and is also distributed almost worldwide. The dwarf was bred in England in 1880 and exhibited for the first time. The rooster weighs 1000 grams and 800 grams of the hen. The eggs are cream -colored to brownish shaded and weigh 30 grams. Laying performance is poor.
