Asplenium scolopendrium

Hart ( Asplenium scolopendrium )

The Hart ( Asplenium scolopendrium L.), also known simply deer tongue, is a plant from the family of Streifenfarngewächse ( Aspleniaceae ), are among the world's approximately 720 species. Scientific synonyms are scolopendrium vulgare and Phyllitis scolopendrium (L.) NEWM. - Sometimes this genus Phyllitis ( Polypodiaceae ) was also provided to the Tüpfelfarngewächsen. Through his ganzrandigen fronds of hart is easily distinguished from all other European ferns that one or more times have usually pinnate fronds.


The perennial ( multi-year ) Hart's tongue is characterized by undivided, full leaves, oblong- tongue-shaped at the base, heart-shaped above the petiole, narrowed in front and pointed, glossy green leaf blades, the 15 to 45 (rarely over 60 ) centimeters tall and erect or arching grow over hanging from a rhizome in clusters like a funnel. These leaves are evergreen, said in late spring brought forth new fronds look fresh light green, the elderly are strong green and leathery fixed. On its lower longitudinally - rulers, rust brown double - sori (groups of sporangia which contain the spores), which are arranged obliquely to the midrib parallel on the lateral nerves form. The spore maturation takes place in the months of July to September.

The dichotomously branched from the midrib lateral veins are interpreted as phylogenetically primordial feature in comparison to other, more "modern " fern species with net- veined leaves.


Hart comes particularly on thin to shady, sickerfeuchten, north facing slopes kalkbödiger, base- and humus-rich ravine forests with ash, maple and lime trees as the dominant tree species. For this special, natural history, very valuable forest expression, namely pseudoplatani the Fraxino - Aceretum, the hart's tongue is even a Kennart within the herb layer. Also scree slopes and moist, calcareous walls, for example, to cemeteries or in wells, are sometimes populated ( Spaltenwurzler ).

The distribution is Holarctic, while disjoint scattered in temperate regions in eastern North America, Europe and East Asia. In Europe, the species is found mainly in the western front, atlantic embossed with mild winters part. Within Germany, priorities are emerging in the Southwest, including in the area of the Swabian Alb, the Rhenish Massif and the foothills of the Alps. Otherwise, the distribution is very unsteady; in many parts of Germany lacks the kind or is only occasionally before. Hart is ( " special protection " among others, the Federal Species Protection Ordinance ) under protection and is a kind of Red Lists.

Cultivation, Naturopathy

There are numerous cultivated in gardens ornamental forms of deer tongue, for example, strongly wavy ruffled leaf edges have (see photo). Their leaves were earlier than wound agents and to Milzkrankheiten use.
