Asplenium trichomanes

Braunstieliger Spleenwort ( Asplenium trichomanes )

The Braunstielige Spleenwort ( Asplenium trichomanes ) is a species of the genus strip ferns ( Asplenium ) in the family of Streifenfarngewächse ( Aspleniaceae ).


The Braunstielige Spleenwort is a perennial plant that reaches stature heights between 5 and 30 centimeters. It forms a rhizome. The leaves are simple pinnate. The petiole is shorter than the leaf blade. Both petiole and leaf stem are narrow winged and colored almost to the tip shiny reddish brown to blackish brown. The leaflets are 2-12 mm long, round or oval, slightly unequal -sided, serrated blunt the edge and in a plane. Each sheet has 15-40 leaflets; they are alternately or approached in pairs and are short-stalked. The spores mature in July and August.


The Braunstielige Spleenwort comes in warm to cool Europe and North America, in South Africa, the Himalayas, in Guinea, in south-eastern Australia and in New Zealand on rocks and walls before.


From Braunstieligen Spleenwort are several sub-species: Asplenium trichomanes subsp. trichomanes subsp. pachyrachis subsp. inexpectans subsp. coriaceifolium subsp. hastatum subsp. hexavalens and subsp. quad rivalens. The latter is the most common subspecies in Europe, in New Zealand but it is extremely rare. After you have thought them lost since the 1950s, 2008 9 specimens of this subspecies were rediscovered in Hawke 's Bay.


The Braunstielige Spleenwort is rarely used as an ornamental plant in rock gardens. There are a few varieties.

Trivial names

In the German-speaking region or the other following trivial names were used for this species, some only regionally, related: Aberthon, Abthon (Erzgebirge), Federhar, women's hair (Alsace ), Virgin hair, purple saxifrage, Steinfarlin, Steinfarn, stone spring, stone root, Stenvarn, shock resistance, Widerthon, Black Widerthon (Silesia ) and Widertod.
