Astrolabe Company

The Astrolabe Compagnie was a German Colonial Society in New Guinea (Kaiser -Wilhelms -Land), which existed only from 1891 to 1896. On October 27, 1891, was founded with a capital of 2.4 million marks. It involved Hamburg and Bremen investors and other funders.

As director acted the Privy Counselor Adolph von Hanse man who also led the New Guinea Company, of which the company initially took some tobacco plantations in Stephansort and Erima. The following year, another tobacco plantation in Jomba was founded. 1893 was another plantation added in Maraga and 108,600 pounds of tobacco have already been exported to Europe. In addition to the tobacco - growing and exporting the Astrolabe Compagnie shipped also exotic woods and experimented with the cultivation of coconut palms, Liberia coffee, and rubber. 1896 operated the company in Stephansort tobacco and coffee plantations and in Erima, Jomba and Maraga tobacco plantations.

After a bad year in 1895 and 1896, the company was merged back with the New Guinea Company in the latter year.

In the vicinity of the stations of the Astrolabe Compagnie also the Protestant Rhenish Mission was active.


  • Germany and its colonies in 1896, Official Report of the First German Colonial Exhibition. Published by the Working Committee of the German Colonial Exhibition, Berlin 1897, publishing by Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohsen ), DNB 361 405 782
  • German New Guinea
  • Former enterprise ( Germany )
  • Colonial Society
  • Founded in 1891