Astronomy and Astrophysics

Astronomy and Astrophysics, abbreviated A & A or Astron. Astrophys. , Is a journal of astronomy and astrophysics.

A & A was established in 1969 by the merger of six European magazines:

  • Annales d' Astrophysique (France ) founded in 1938
  • Arkiv for Astronomy (Sweden ) founded in 1948
  • Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of the Netherlands (Netherlands), founded in 1921
  • Bulletin Astronomique (France), founded in 1884
  • Journal of Observateurs (France ) founded in 1915
  • Journal of Astrophysics ( Germany ) founded in 1930

Was extended A & A in 1992 through the inclusion of

  • Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of Czechoslovakia (Czechoslovakia), founded in 1947

1990, ' Astronomy and Astrophysics ' merged with the previously separately published supplementary sister organ ' Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series'. Copyright holder is the European Southern Observatory.

A & A is now like Astrophysical Journal, Astronomical Journal, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society of the leading journals in astronomy.

Member States

Original Member States were the four countries of the A & A fused magazines (France, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden) as well as Belgium, Denmark, Finland and Norway. ESO participated as a "Member State" part. Norway withdrew later, while Austria, Greece, Italy, Spain and Switzerland joined. Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia followed as new members in the 1990s. 2001, the amendment was " a European magazine " is deleted from the title page to reflect the increasing global role and in 2002 Argentina was recorded as ' observers '. 2004, the Board decided that " A & A in the future applications for supporting membership from every country in the world with well-documented, active and outstanding astronomical research will consider ". Argentina acquired as the first non-European country full membership in 2005. Brazil, Chile and Portugal were at that time observer and now full members. Other Member States (as of early 2012 ) Bulgaria, Croatia and Lithuania. For astronomers from Member States are no personal publication costs of publication in A & A, since the costs are borne by the supporting States.
