Athenaeus Mechanicus

Athenaeus (Greek Ἀθήναιος ), also called Athenaeus Mechanicus, was a military writer of Greek antiquity. More detailed survival data are not known. He wrote a treatise on traditional siege machines ( Περὶ μηχανημάτων " About siege machines" ), which goes back to lectures of his teacher Agesistratos.

Dedicated to Athenaeus has his work a Romans called Marcellus; if this is the same as the Roman general Marcus Claudius Marcellus, Athenaeus would have been a contemporary of Archimedes. Maybe Athenaeus is identical to the institution designated by Proclus as an important mathematician Athenaeus of Cyzicus ( preface to Euclid Commentary 67.16 ). In this case, Athenaeus would have been a contemporary of Plato.


  • Melchisédech Thévenot: veterum mathematical corum, Athenaei, Apollodori, Philionis, Bitonis, Heronis, et aliorum opera. Grace et Latine. Ex Typographia Regia, Paris 1693
  • Rudolf Schneider: Greek Poliorketiker. Bd 3 Proceedings of the Society of Sciences in Göttingen, Philology and History class, NF, 12.5. Weidmann, Berlin, 1912. ( Greek text and German translation )