Atlantic stingray

Atlantic stingray ( Dasyatis sabina )

The Atlantic stingray ( Dasyatis sabina ) is a Stechrochenart and lives off the northwestern coast of the Atlantic Ocean between the Chesapeake Bay and Mexico.


Dasyatis sabina reaches a maximum total length of 61 cm with a weight of up to 4.9 kg, making it one of the smallest stingrays. It has a diamond-shaped pectoral fin disk, which, on the sides widely rounded a little broader than long and the muzzle is long and pointed towards discontinued. The tail is long and whip-like and carries a poisonous sting, which measures about a quarter of the wheel width. The sting is renewed annually from June to October. The top is brown to yellow-brown, lighter on the edge, sometimes with a dark stripe along the back line. The underside is white to light gray.

Way of life

The Ray lives in shallow water over sandy and muddy bottoms in coastal areas, in estuaries and in part also in the area of freshwater rivers. He feeds on mussels, cylinder roses, amphipods, crustaceans and Vielborstern. The species is ovoviviparous with litters of one to four cubs, which are born from July to August with a slice width of 10 to 13 cm.
