
Atlixco is a city in the state of Puebla, in the highlands of Mexico.

The city with 130,000 inhabitants, is located in the Valle de Cristo and is characterized by a mild subtropical climate. The agricultural area is divided into two major areas: in the irrigated areas and dry areas. Accordingly, there are various agricultural use. In the irrigation area along the Rio Atoyac prevails intensive fodder crops ( alfalfa ) with dairy cattle breeding. Besides flowers, seedlings and vegetables are grown. A specialty is the cultivation of avocados ( aguacate ), based on the large ranchos often with recreational functions (swimming pool, weekend house ) are coupled.

18.901111111111 - 98.445833333333Koordinaten: 18 ° 54 'N, 98 ° 27 ' W


In 1521, wanted the city's residents no longer be subjects and tributaries of the Aztecs. They allied themselves with the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés and helped against their former oppressors at the siege of Tenochtitlán.
