ATM card

A cash withdrawal card allows its owner in connection with a PIN via a - usually national or even global - ATM composite money from their checking, savings or term account withdraw, either free or very inexpensive. This is made possible by a network of local networks of bank-owned ATMs. Usually this capability is built in an ordinary bank card.

Occasionally, with a cash withdrawal card payments outside of the relevant ATM network possible, but this is usually associated with considerable costs.


Unlike a credit or debit card you can not directly with a pure cash withdrawal card - both online and in-store yet - pay. With the limited capabilities but also increased security goes hand in hand, because it is in the case of theft or loss without the PIN practically worthless.

Travel Fund

Internationally valid cash withdrawal cards are ideal for travel funds. For withdrawals abroad usually fees. Stiftung Warentest recommends a mix of cash, check, debit and cash withdrawal card as travel funds if the card is lost, stolen or damaged.


  • EUFISERV pan-European ATM network of savings banks
  • Bank card service network, Germany on ATM network of ATMs of the most co-operative banks ( Volks-und Raiffeisenbank )
  • Cash Group, Germany on ATM network of ATMs of the bank, German Bank, HypoVereinsbank, Postbank and the subsidiary banks
  • Cash Pool, Germany on ATM network of ATMs among others the BBBank, Netbank, Santander Consumer Bank, Sparda- Bank Group, West Bank, Targobank
  • MultiBanco, uniform ATM network of all banks in Portugal