
An audiometer is a diagnostic device for determining the hearing.

For this purpose, the patient electronically generated, either pulsed sine tones of different frequency (pitch) or standardized language material - through headphones, bone conduction earpiece or loudspeaker - recorded. The device essentially consists of a sound generator, a level control ( enabling stepwise gain of each tone to at least 80 dB) above the normal threshold of hearing, and, optionally, an electroacoustic an electromechanical transducer for checking the air and bone conduction. The technical standards for audiometer can be found in the standard ISO EN 60645 1-3, the exact procedure of the measurement is determined by the standard ISO EN 8253 1-3. Nowadays audiometer are mostly controlled by processors. For home use, software-based audiometer exist that can perform a little less accurate measurement. The latest generation of PC audio meters connect computers and audiometry; the measured values ​​created can be stored or transferred. To perform measurement of hearing aids used for Noah Link, in the field of diagnostic medicine GDT interfaces are common.

With an audiometer different measurements can be performed depending on the equipment. The most important are:

  • Pure-tone audiometry
  • Speech
  • Suptrathreshold tests (eg SISI test, Fowler test, Lüscher test, Geräuschaudiometrie Langenbeck, etc.)
  • Possibly loudness scaling

An audio meter can help to analyze whether, for example, a hearing loss its cause in the outer ear, middle ear, inner ear or auditory nerve has.

Audiometer subject in Germany a Kalibrierpflicht accordance with § 11 of the Medical Devices Operator Ordinance by an approved maintenance service that ensures the accuracy and comparability of the measured values ​​. The ISO standard 389 1-3 provides the procedures for the different types of headphones.

  • Diagnostic device
  • Oto- Rhino-Laryngology

Pictures of Audiometer
