Audita tremendi

With the second "crusade bull" Audita tremendi from October 29, 1187, Pope Gregory VIII called for a Third Crusade.

Occasion of this bull was the defeat at the Battle of Hattin was conquered by the Muslims on July 4, 1187 which resulted in Jerusalem on October 7, 1187. In their text and call the bull of the first crusade bull Quantum praedecessores followed by 1145th Gregory VIII lamented the terrible loss of Jerusalem and underlines the importance of this empire to Christianity. The Pope promised the participants of the full protection by the church, let him be connected to a plenary indulgence. He concludes that the loss of Jerusalem was due to the sins of the West. Now it is the job of the western kingdoms, initiate a refund, then this resulted in the call for the Third Crusade.

After some hesitation, answered the call of the Roman - German Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa, the English King Richard I the Lionheart and the French King Philip II Augustus and formed the largest army of crusaders of the Middle Ages.
