Auer Bach

The aboveground - channeled course of Auer Bach below the sports fields

The Auer Bach is a left tributary of the river Wupper in the district Barmen of the North Rhine-Westphalian city of Wuppertal.

Location and topography

The Auer Bach rises to 321 meters above sea level. NN on the flank of the ridge Lichtscheid (350 meters above sea level. NN ) in the residential district lit court. It flows through a distinctive V-shaped valley to the north, receives influx from the Brassiepen, crosses under verdolt the sports fields at the Oberbergi road and flows above ground channeled the residential development in the valley of the Wuppertal to.

Verdolt crosses under the Auersbach the railway line Elberfeld- Dortmund and the Federal Highway 7 and ends after about 2100 meters to 145 meters above sea level. NN in the Wupper.
