August Natterer

August Natterer (* 1868 in Schorndorf Reute in Ravensburg, † 1933 near Rottweil ), pseudonym: Neter, was a German Art Brut artists.


He was born in 1868 in Ravensburg suburb Schorn Reute as the son of an employee and was the youngest of nine children. Natterer was married and worked as an electrical engineer, when he was admitted in 1907 because of delusions and anxiety in a psychiatric hospital. Against his will, he remained there until his death in hospitals. That's when a large productivity as a painter, in which he usually tried to hold his hallucinations. Several times he was visited by a psychiatrist and art historian Hans Prinzhorn. Through its work, The Artistry of the Mentally Ill " Neter " became known to a wider public. August Natterer died in 1933 in an asylum near Rottweil of heart failure.
