August W. Eichler

August Wilhelm Eichler ( born April 22, 1839 in Neukirchen, Hesse, † March 2, 1887 in Berlin from leukemia ) was a German botanist. Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Eichler ".

Life and work

In 1869 he was elected a member of the Leopoldina. He took over on April 26, 1878 Department of Botany at the University of Berlin and the line of the Royal Botanic Gardens. Eichler designed a system for the classification of plants.


In his honor, the plant genera were

  • Eichleria Progel the family of Sapotengewächse ( Sapotaceae )
  • Eichlerodendron Briq. the family of the willow family ( Salicaceae )


Pictures of August W. Eichler
