Augusto Genina

Augusto Genina ( born January 28, 1892 in Rome, Italy, † September 18, 1957 ) was an Italian film director and screenwriter.


Genina broke off his engineering degree to write for the magazine " Il Mondo " theater reviews. On the advice of Aldo De Benedetti, he wrote several film ideas and sent them to production companies; so his film work began in 1912 as a screenwriter for Ugo Falenas Romeo and Juliet ( with Gustavo Serena and Francesca Bertini ). In the same year he made his debut as assistant director of Falena; his first film in-house was built in 1913 in Spain. Many works followed; He created such as a classic of Italian cinema, Cirano de Bergerac in 1922. Between 1927 and 1936 he also shot 10 films in Germany, some of them were productions of the Nero - Film AG. In France and Austria Genina worked. Important works such as the Latin Quarter and Miss Europe ( Prix de beauté ) emerged.

1936 returned Genina to his homeland, where he turned the government support in the Africa question Squadrone bianco and even more propagandistic films was responsible, including a total of two other major prizes - the first was said Squadrone bianco 1936 - at the Film Festival in Venice, the Coppa Mussolini, excellent L' assedio dell'Alcazar 1940 and Benghazi in 1942, for their screenplays he had jurisdiction.

After the war it was a few years quietly to Genina, before returning in 1949 with the film adaptation of the story of Maria Goretti, Cielo sulla palude, behind the camera. His other films are of less interest.

His cousin was the film director Mario Camerini. He was for a long time with actress Carmen dating bonuses, but eventually married Betty Becker.

Filmography (selection)
