Aureliano Sánchez Arango

Aureliano Sánchez Arango ( born June 7, 1907 in Havana, † 1976 in Miami) was Secretary of Education under President Carlos Prio in Cuba.


Sánchez Arango studied law and was in opposition to Gerardo Machado y Morales (1925-1933), later he was a professor of law at the Universidad de La Habana.

Sánchez Arango was a member of the Partido Revolucionario Cubano ( Auténticos ).

Sánchez Arango was the founder of the Partido del Pueblo Cubano ( Ortodoxos ), Eduardo Chibás, the TV station CMQ alleged to have bought with funds for school feeding land in Guatemala ( the brothers Goar Mestre y Abel Espinosa ). Sánchez Arango was on offer befriended journalists editor of the Revista Bohemia compromising photos of Prío. Chibás Rivas claimed therefore that he had evidence that Prío Socarrás have stopped without the permission of Parliament outside of Cuba. Sánchez Arango asked Chibás to present the evidence. When he was unable to produce the evidence, Chibás shot after a short speech about the station on August 5, 1951 in the abdomen and died of his injuries 10 days later.

1952, in the reign of Fulgencio Batista, Sánchez Arango founded the Frente Nacional Democrático. From this itself split in 1954, the Asociación de Amigos de Aureliano from.

Sánchez Arango gave a substantial contribution to financing the expedition of the motor yacht Granma, in the 82 revolutionaries of the " 26th of July Movement " led by Fidel Castro on 25 November 1956 by Tuxpan (Mexico) to Cuba translated to the Batista to overthrow regime.


His daughters, the social scientists Lela and Delia Sánchez Echeverría, living in Havana. His son, Aureliano Sanchez Arango -, Jr., was born on November 9, 1964 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Biographical documentary

Olga María Braceras, Cobas and Juan Francisco Escobar produced the biographical documentary " Aureliano ".

Pictures of Aureliano Sánchez Arango
