
The highway patrol is part of the police and the state police monitored motorways and similar roads.

Tasks and organization

Tasks of the highway police are traffic management, recording of traffic accidents, the removal of traffic incidents, congestion monitoring and jam protection, prosecution of offenses - especially road traffic offenses - and the offenses to which the respective federal states within Germany motorways.

Within the highway patrol, there are groups that deal with specific tasks, such as traffic monitoring, road haulage or investigation. Units of traffic monitoring control with technical monitors the speed and safety distance of vehicles. For speed and distance measurement motorway police civilian vehicles are additionally available.

In parts of Germany, the services of the highway patrol highway patrol station ( APS) or motorway police station called ( APrev ), in North Rhine -Westphalia motorway police station. They were called police car station ( PASt ). Since 1 January 2007, in North Rhine -Westphalia until then the district governments assumed independent motorway police - a highway police (AP ) per Arnsberg, Detmold, Dusseldorf, Munster and Cologne - affiliated with the larger police departments as part of the Traffic Directorates.

Some states have no independent motorway police. There the task is usually taken with by the traffic police.

Rolling stock

The patrol car of the highway patrol have over their urban counterparts, often with more powerful engines to achieve better results in acceleration and top speed. In part, the special signaling system differs in better visibility over long distances. For devices with flash or LED light technology as well as fold-out signal panels are often installed traffic control for use on the highway.
