Aveline's Hole

Aveline 's Hole in Burrington Combe near the B3134 ( road "The Combe " ), is a small cave in the Mendip Hills, in North Somerset, England, and the oldest and largest scientifically examined grave site of the Mesolithic in Britain. The 8400-8200 BC deposited human bone fragments derived from 21 relatively small individuals.

The cave was in 1797 by two men found that hunted rabbits. It was in 1860 by William Boyd Dawkins ( 1837-1929 ) excavated, the increased input and according to his mentor William Talbot Aveline ( 1822-1903 ) named.

The oldest reports speak of finds from animal teeth, an amulet and red ocher. A number of crosses on the cave wall, probably dates from the period immediately after the end of the Ice Age. The pattern is similar to carvings from Denmark, Germany and northern France ( Ile d' Hœdic, Ile Téviec ).

In the cave, seven (older) ammonites were found.
