Aviation medical examiner

The term flight surgeon colloquially referred to a doctor who is ordered by the authorities to carry out a medical assessment required for the acquisition and retention of licenses of pilots and air traffic control personnel and medical certificates ( airworthiness certificate / medical) issued on behalf of the competent licensing authority.

The term comes from the flight surgeon vernacular. Officially the flight surgeon in Germany is referred to since the introduction of European Directives suitability JAR FCL3 exclusively as a flight medical experts. In the English versions of the regulations of the European air safety authority EASA aviation medical examiner is called Aeromedical Examiner ( AME).

Working as a flight surgeon requires knowledge of the specific conditions faced during the flight of the human organism, especially Flight Physiology. The training courses for pilots doctors take place in Germany with Lufthansa and the German Army. The completion of these courses are not entitled to lead a Aeromedical investigative body. Admission is on the one hand by the Luftfahrt -Bundesamt for the Aero Medical Center and the Aviation Medicine Expert Class 1 and the other by the aviation authorities of the countries for the Aviation Medicine Expert Class 2

The requirements governing the administrative order as a flight medical expert ( AME ) is in § 24e air traffic licensing regulations ( LuftVZO ) and the First Regulation implementing LuftVZO ( 1 DV LuftVZO ). regulated.

Many airmen doctors are organized in the German flight surgeon Association.
