Axel jump

The Axel (or Axel Paulsen ) is an elementary jump in figure skating. He is regarded as the most difficult jump ( "King jump "). It is named after the Norwegian figure skater Axel Paulsen, who showed him the first time in 1882, back then even at speed skating skids. Thus, the Axel is the oldest of the six basic jumps in figure skating is. The Axel is also the only one of the six basic jumps, which is jumped forward. Therefore, in addition to the counted turns a half turn more needs to be executed ( for example, has a simple Axel thus 1.5 turns, a triple 3:5). So far, the Axel jumped in up to three turns.


The first runner slides backward - away, for example, on the right leg. Then he puts the left foot forward, the pressure on the forward - Away - edge is shifted. When jumping the runner brings out strong with the poor, simultaneously brings the right leg ( supporting leg ) bent with momentum and close to the pillar over. In the air, it undergoes a rotation by 540 °, where the legs are brought close to each other, so that the left leg is slightly bent to the right leg. The landing of the jump takes place right away backward.

Pictures of Axel jump
