
Aya, pl. Ayat (Arabic آية, DMG Aya pl. آيات, DMG Ayat "sign", " verse " ), called in the Koran generally a verse in Surat. Basic meaning of the word "sign", "miracle" or "proof". These are signs in nature, in which is manifested God's power to reflect occurrences, whose author is a prophet, and to sign - past and future - that tells a prophet as God's revelation. The word is related to the ambiguous Hebrew Ot ( אות, "sign" or "letter" ).

Of particular importance are the so-called " throne verse " ( Ayat al Kursi, Sura 2, verse 255 ) and the " Lichtvers " ( An-Nur Ayat, Sura 24, verse 35), which are also often represented in Arabic calligraphy and the in Sufism ( Islamic mysticism ) are studied extensively.

The counting of the verses is not always the same. The most common today is the Kufic count, which is also used in the Cairene edition of the Koran in 1924. But there are several others, of which today are usually only the basrische and Medinan in use. The oldest Korancodices contain no Verszählung. The Koran contains Kufic after counting 6,236 AYA. In addition, however, there are other counts.

The word aya is also part of the religious title of Ayatollah.
