Aydemir (name)

Aydemir is a Turkish male first name and family name. According names dictionary TDK Aydemir has the meaning "bright as the moon and as strong as iron ."

Bearers of the name

First name

  • Aydemir nemli ( born 1929 ), Turkish football player and coach

Family name

  • Esma Aydemir (* 1992), Turkish track and field athlete
  • Ibrahim Aydemir ( b. 1983 ), the Turkish football player
  • Murat Aydemir (Author), American Andrologist
  • Murat Aydemir (musician ) (born 1971 ), German -Turkish musicians
  • Naz Aydemir (* 1990), Turkish volleyball player
  • Selim Aydemir (* 1990), German -Turkish football player