Ayrshire cattle

Ayrshire is a breed of cattle, named after the county of Ayrshire in Scotland.

The animals are mittelrahmig (cows about 132 cm withers at about 550 kg and bulls 140 cm withers, approximately 850 kg), rarely spotted and brown-white black-and- white. A breed characteristics are the white horns with back slightly curved, black lace.

Main breeding areas of this dairy breed are Finland and Kenya, the breed but is also kept in the United States, Canada and New Zealand.

Performance in Finland in 1986: 245,000 cows with 5821 kg of milk at 4.45% fat and 3.27 % protein.

The breed was crossed isolated in the 1960s in the Simmental and in the 1980s in the beef and anglers in the Red Danish Dairy Cattle.

Pictures of Ayrshire cattle
