Azelaic acid

  • Nonanedioic
  • 1.7 heptanedicarboxylic


White crystalline solid

Anti-acne preparations


1.23 g · cm -3

98-102 ° C

237 ° C (20 hPa)

  • PKS1 = 4.53
  • PKa2 = 5.40

Sparingly soluble in water (2.4 g · l-1 at 20 ° C)


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Azelaic acid ( nonanedioic, 1,7- heptanedicarboxylic ) is a chemical compound of the homologous series of dicarboxylic acids. Its salts and esters hot azelates.


As a dibasic acid it dissociates in water in two protolysis. There are three polymorphic forms, which are divided into α, β and γ.


Azelaic acid can be prepared by oxidation with potassium permanganate of castor oil. In this case, first, the castor oil is hydrolysed to ricinoleic acid, which is then oxidized to azelaic acid.


Azelaic acid is used as a pharmaceutical agent in the topical treatment of acne and rosacea. There are 20 - % cream and 15 - % strength gel formulations used. Azelainsäurepräparate require a prescription. The diester with 2-ethylhexanol is used as a plasticizer for plastics.
