
30.66888888888934.366666666667Koordinaten: 30 ° 40 '8 " N, 34 ° 22' 0" E

El- Quseme (also Quseima, qesam, qejsam ) is a town on the Sinai Peninsula.

Maybe the place is to identify with the biblical Azmon (Hebrew עצמון, bone site ). According to biblical representation ( Num 34.4 f and Jos 15:4) was Azmon on the southern border of the tribe of Judah to Egypt.

The biblical Kadesh Barnea place is located about 14 km southeast at Ein el - Qudeirat or Ein el - Qedeisch.

About 3 km north-west lies the so-called Aharoni Fortress. To the south of this fort is the source Muweileh (also Muweilih ). This is possibly identical with Beer- Lahai - roi.

In El- Quseme the relocated during World War Zweigstrecke Massoudieh Sinai ended the Ottoman military train.
