
As azotemia - from Greek azoton (nitrogen) and haima (blood) - refers to the abnormal proliferation of nitrogenous end products of protein metabolism ( balance nitrogen ) in the blood. It is primarily to an increase of urea nitrogen and creatinine, as well as uric acid, phenols, amines and guanidine are increased.

  • In particular, in uremia this increase can be observed as Retentionsazotämie.
  • A Produktionsazotämie comes with reduced protein production or increased protein degradation - such as after burns, radiation therapy, a crush syndrome - about.

The division can also called renal - tion from Latin ( kidney) - or prerenal azotemia take place, which means that the causes of the rise of these urinary excreted substances in the kidney itself, or are looking to " in front of the kidney ." A renal azotemia is signs of renal failure.

As hypochloremic azotemia a dehydration ( dehydration ) is called with a simultaneous lack of blood salts, such as may occur in severe cases, diarrhea and vomiting, a diabetic coma or Addison's crisis.

Pictures of Azotemia
