Azteca (genus)

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Azteca Alfari

Azteca is a genus of ants ( Formicidae ) of the subfamily of the glands of ants ( Dolichoderinae ), which occurs with about 70 species in Central and South America. The species of this genus are characterized by a remarkable symbiosis with plants of the genus Cecropia, called ants big trees.

The ants live in the hollow, divided by transverse walls branches and stems of Cecropia. There they are supplied by the plants with food. These form on the outside of the leaf base protein and fat, so-called " Müllerian bodies " (named after the discoverer of this symbiosis, Johann Friedrich Theodor Müller), which are mainly the larvae as food. In addition, the ants eat honeydew from scale insects. In return, they defend plants against pests and predators, especially against leaf-cutting ants.

To achieve this, the Azteca ants along the branches of carton programs with holes in the leaf-cutting ants to enter into it. In these cardboard tubes, protected from the much larger leaf-cutter ants, lurk the Azteca ants on their chance to fix the coming into the holes leaf-cutter ants with the pines. When trying to break free, take the leaf-cutter ants in other cases, until at last they can no longer move around. So they can be killed then end up without great danger.

Advantages and disadvantages for the ants

Although the ants get housing and food, but they have to accept that they are at increased risk of woodpecker attacks that they can eat a lot easier on the trunks as ground-dwelling ants. Also results, especially for young ant colonies, the high energy consumption, which is based on the aggressiveness against the pests, in a high mortality.

Advantages and disadvantages for the trees

The trees have to expend energy to feed the ants. In addition, they may be damaged more than other trees by woodpeckers. But they both protect the ants against pests and before climbing plants and epiphytes. The trees also benefit from the nitrogen-rich secretions of the ants.

An investigation of symbiosis with a Doebeli - Knowlton model showed that the mutual advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Young trees benefit but more of the compound than older specimens.

